Changing The World

Anish P
3 min readJan 11, 2021
Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

What Has Really Changed?

Changing the world is something that people feel they can only dream of. It is something only a few selected people on Earth can do. There are not many Elon Musk’s on the planet, and even fewer people like Jeff Bezos. We feel we need to be great in science and math to make any meaningful change to this place we call home. For a moment let us think about how the world has changed. The human race created automobiles, they created computers, they created air conditioning, and crated the one thing we can not live without, the internet. So yes the world has changed, but have the people? A little bit, sure not everyone is running around naked or hunting and gathering, but what about the inner self? Does jealousy and greed still exist? How about anger and violence? I once saw an interesting tweet that read, “Don’t say I asked for it (rape) because of the clothes I wear, rape was taking place in the 18th century and they you should see what they wore.” We as a species have not really evolved, we have simply changed the way we interact with the planet (for better of worse, usually worse, but I won’t get into that here). So what can we do to really make a change for the better on this tiny blueberry?

What Needs To Change…

It is actually the human species that needs to change. Our base instincts puts this planet in turmoil most of the time. Yes, sometimes it is the base instincts of a few that harm the masses but on a daily basis we bring disharmony into our small part of the planet. His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj traveled this world solely to help people rid themselves of these ills. These unique human antributes also make us intolerable. Pramukh Swamiji spoke of how greed, anger, ego, lust, jealousy, etc. ruin the greatest of people. Pramukh Swami Maharaj showed us that the character of one person could truly make the planet a better place. He spoke of how it was possible for all to humans to be better not just those who followed his fellowship. These ideas that His Holiness propounded were found in all the religions of the world not just BAPS. He showed us that it was not an invention that was needed to change the world it was being a better human. If you read about Bhagwan Swaminarayan, the founder of the Swaminarayan faith, you will see that he changed the entire landscape of 19th century Gujarat. He changed it by changing the people. Pramukh Swami followed suit and with every breath he both lived and worked to make a change on planet Earth. (read this to see how much one person can change

I Alone Need To Change

What is important for me to learn here is that I am the one that needs to change. I am not the person who can regulate anyone’s behavior nor is it my place to tell them how they should act. If I change and it inspires others to make a change as well then I am doing something right. I say this because if you have ever been in the presence of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj from near or far you know that his character alone would inspire one to change. Swamji changed the atmosphere of any place he was at without a single word. That is the real type of change the world needs today and is a change that I want to be a part of.



Anish P

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