
Anish P
2 min readDec 20, 2020
Photo by Patrick Robert Doyle on Unsplash

Rather Be A Leader Not A Follower

Nobody wants to take orders. We love the free spirits that we are. No person should impede upon any of our freedoms. As teenagers we rebel against those who tell us what to do thinking we know better. If this behavior is not course corrected we go through our lives thinking no a single person should tell us what to do as we know what is best for us. Sometimes we do know what is best for us, other times we have to learn from our mistakes. Being so stubborn as to think that we do not need to heed advice from anyone is arrogance. That arrogance is what tangles us up and does not help us move towards our true capabilities.

It Is About Who You Follow

I believe it is important to follow the right advice. His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj was a person that did not lead others for is ego. He did not lead others down a path that hurt any human. He genuinely wanted to lead others towards God and see them progress and flourish in life. His advice and his disciplines were not there to infringe upon any freedoms but rather focus our attention in the direction it needed to be focused on. The advice was there so that each person found the best version of themselves that they didn’t know was within them. Following a the right leader doesn’t make one weak, actually the contrary, it makes us stronger than we ever could have imagined. Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s strength came from following the disciplines of his guru’s Shastriji Maharaj and Yogiji Maharaj. He never took anything they said lightly and never deviated from their commands.

You Have To Walk The Path

A guru (teacher) who illuminates the path makes the path much easier. I have to walk that path as a follower rather than a leader. Flawed thinking is saying to myself, “I know what is best while I am leading my life into the unknown”. Sure my mind will fight wanting to do things that it doesn’t like, but the fight of life is much harder without any discipline at all. I know because for the best decade I have struggled to get where I wanted to go and achieve what I wanted to achieve because I have had ZERO discipline. That changes now, I know it is never too late but I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so I will start today!



Anish P

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