Greatest Wonder In The World

Anish P
3 min readDec 22, 2020
Photo by Adam Bichler on Unsplash

To See Is To Believe

When we look at the great wonders of the world we ask ourselves a rudimentary question, “How was this possible?”. For a moment in time we reflect in awe at what we see before us, then our phone buzzes with a notification and we continue upon our day. We see many things these days that amaze us and then we ask that question “how?”, then forget the moment and move to the next. This cycle is how we move throughout life. If we took a moment to see how fleeting life is, would we not then appreciate the life we have? In COVID-19 pandemic this year we have lost so many lives, and people still carry on about their lives without a mask and without regard, why is that? Ved Vyasa writes in the Mahabharata, “What is the greatest wonder in the world? That, every single day, people die, Yet the living think they are immortal.”

A Life Immortal

His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj lived a life that seemed immortal. I believe the secret to that life was his relentless pursuit of propagating his “Why”. Each day Pramukh Swami Maharaj lived as if there was no tomorrow. He never saw something he could do today and leave it for tomorrow. He propounded this idea to us as youths but he also lived it. His Holiness was once boarding a flight to London and the seats were being prepared. In that moment while standing and waiting Pramukh Swami picked up a letter and began reading it. He used the small moments of time to make a big impact on us all. There was never a day when Pramukh Swami “slept in”. After departing London in route to Chicago the flight arrived late at night in 2000. The next morning Pramukh Swami woke up before the sunrise and did his daily puja as he always did. His discipline and fervor towards his “why” is something for us all to awe at and wonder, “How is this possible?”

A Wonder To Live By

While the great wonders of the world are by human design, my greatest wonder is one human in particular. It is the purpose of me writing these posts everyday. Many years from now people will read about His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj and ask themselves, “How was it that a person this amazing was on this earth? How was he able to do so much with only 24 hours in a day? How was his reach so far when he was only in one place at a time?” By reflecting on him I question my own capabilities, but His Holiness gave away the secret to being like him on November 27th 1968 in Mumbai. He said that his capabilities are due to the graces of his guru’s His Holiness Shastriji Maharaj and His Holiness Yogiji Maharaj. It was through following their commands and wishes that he has been able to become the person that he is. It is with this knowledge that I try to focus all my efforts towards following his wishes that he has laid out for me over the years. I have no time to waste, no day like today, and tomorrow will be dealt with if and when it arrives.



Anish P

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