Hardest Worker In The Room

Anish P
2 min readJan 5, 2021
Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

100 Hour Weeks

This is what some of the hardest working people do. They will work 100 hours in a week to get to their destination point. For some the motivation may be innovation, for some the motivation is money, or power, and the list goes on. There is a motivation stay working but is it possible to find peace amongst all the work? How does one stay alert, fresh, happy, and overall in a general good mood if one is working all the time?


His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj was the hardest working person even in the time of Shastriji Maharaj and Yogiji Maharaj. His Holiness woke up every morning before the sunrise and worked up until midnight. He was high speed and did not rest. For him this work was 365 days of the year, every year. There were no days off, no planned or federal holidays. The demand of his time, energy, and person were so incessant and unending that there was no word for holiday in his dictionary. Yet, the greatest feat was that neither his mind nor body had a trace or flicker of distress or dispondency. He never refused anyone because he felt overworked with aching limbs and muscles. Pramukh Swami did all of this for his devotees — it was selflessness that allowed him to find peace for the hard regiment he took upon himself.

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop

What more can I dream of achieving when I have seen how much a human is capable of doing. Working 100 hours a week is a drop in the bucket for Pramukh Swami Maharaj and thus for him I should have no issues working 100 hours or more a week. My goals are centered around him, because I have tried to center them around me, and honestly it got me nowhere. If I shift my focus I know my mind will be stable and energy will be limitless.



Anish P

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