
Anish P
3 min readMar 18, 2021
Photo by lauren lulu taylor on Unsplash

Are You Sure…?

“Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose.” This is something my dad used to tell us when we were kids and for good reason. In my house the truth was valued more than anything else. Didn’t matter what you did, you were better off telling the truth and seeing where the chips would land. Because the truth was so valued, trust was brought between all the members of our home. We knew that each person had the best interest of the other, and that we would be able to rely on each other for anything. I think it is important that we all have a group of people we trust with our lives. It is because those people will help us move in the right direction with our lives.

… I Am Positive!

His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, trusted his guru’s His Holiness Shastriji Maharaj and His Holiness Yogiji Maharaj without a doubt. He would do anything they asked. He never questioned if he could do it, why he should do it, nor did he delay in doing it. He marched forward, fully trusting them that whatever they said to be done was in his best interest. He never let their words fall on deaf ears. His Holiness Yogiji Maharaj was a visionary thinker. He saw far beyond what anyone could grasp, and people would laugh at his grand thinking. Yet, Pramukh Swami Maharaj as it was his guru’s wish needed to be completed and he wouldn’t rest until it was done. BAPS under His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj grew exponentially. The fellowship created by His Holiness Shastriji Maharaj spread like wildfire outside of the Indian subcontinent. Yet, in all of this Pramukh Swamiji never took credit and said it was all due to the grace of Yogiji Maharaj and Shastriji Maharaj. He trusted that everything they said and that is why he was able to progress at a rate which was beyond comprehension.

Then I Need To Stop Being Negative

I need to stop being a negative thinker when it comes to the wishes of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj and His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. What is that negative thinking that I experience? It is when they say to do something and I think it is meant for others. It is when they say something and I don’t have trust in their words. It is when they ask me to do something and I cast it to one side that it will be done later. These are all negative ways that I experience my guru’s wishes. Being this negative how do I expect to find any peace? I have to now go beyond my mind’s idea of what is possible. I have to cast aside how I believe things should turn out. I need to trust that everything they ask of me both directly and indirectly is for my own good. It is what will help me progress at a rapid rate which I have seen Pramukh Swami Maharaj progress at. For me to find out what is possible I have to do the things that my guru’s ask that I believe are impossible. This all starts with Trust.



Anish P

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